Summaries and explanations of the latest regulatory compliance announcements, reports and related stories.
December 9, 2020 -FINRA Board of Governors Meeting
FINRA’s Board of Governors met via zoom on December 9, 2020. The Board approved three proposed rulemaking amendments and also approved FINRA’s 2021 proposed budget. One of the proposed amendments that was approved was to further enhance the Continuing Education Program (“CE”). The amendment applies to FINRA Rules 1210 and 1240, strengthening FINRA’s CE program.
Regulatory Notice 20-35 –FINRA Alerts Firms to Phishing Email Requesting Them to Respond to Fraudulent Survey
FINRA released a regulatory notice warning all member firms of a phishing attempt from an organization trying to impersonate FINRA. Phishing is a cybercrime where targets are contacted by email by someone pretending to be a legitimate organization to lure individuals into responding with sensitive data.